Patient Services
Comprehensive Allergy Care and Treatment
- Immunotherapy (allergy injections and sublingual drops/tablets)
- Immunotherapy Benefits:
- Reduced need for allergy medications.
- Long-term modification of the immune response to environmental allergens.
- Improved asthma control.
- Decreased incidence of new environmental allergies.
- Decreased likelihood of developing asthma.
- Reduced long term cost as opposed to medications
- Asthma evaluation and Treatment
- Scratch and intradermal skin testing for allergy diagnosis
- Urticaria (hives) evaluation and treatment
- Eye allergy diagnosis and treatment
- Latex allergy diagnosis
- Drug allergy testing and treatment
- Food allergy testing and treatment
- Sinusitis treatment
- Stinging insect allergy testing and treatment
- Pulmonary function testing
- Nasal allergy treatment
- Dermatitis Patch Test Clinic: Okemos Allergy Center Patch Test Clinic is specifically designed to test for external sources of skin irritants. It helps determine if any play a role in a patient's skin eruption of red, scaly, itchy patches called contact dermatitis. Our allergists use multiple, properly diluted materials to use in testing. Some people develop patches of dermatitis and the cause is not clear. Many different chemicals which occur in metals, cosmetics, creams, leather, rubber, and other material may be responsible. Patch testing may help to identify the exact cause. It can be helpful in many cases. Patch tests are applied either on a Monday or Tuesday and removed 48 hours later for an initial reading. A second/final reading and interpretation is done at 72 hours. Patient should plan on keeping their back dry for the entire week during testing. Call our office for more information and to make an appointment.
We Offer Phototherapy! Phototherapy is used to treat urticaria (hives) and eczema. This service is covered by most insurance plans. Please call our office for more information.
Patient education, same day appointments available for urgent care issues, hospital consultations, 24 hour coverage in case of emergency.